Thursday, January 13, 2011

Knit related linocut prints

Why yes you did read that title correctly.  My knitting muse has flown for the moment so I figured I change tack for a week or two and work on making some prints.  They will be knitting related and I'll likely post some sketches when they come to me.  I'm feeling good about this, I've been wanting to do a little more drawing recently and I think some prints will do the trick.   If I write it here I'll have to do it because people will expect me to.  Yes yes.  A little peer pressure. 

And since this post doesn't have a related photo have this one of a sweater I recently completed.  It's beautiful.  This sweater is knitted in an old cone yarn with no brand name that was ostensibly some sort of blend of wool and alpaca.  It's incredibly warm and I wore it as a coat down in the city for record shopping a couple of weeks ago. 

The pattern is Howlite, by Heather Dixon. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the sweater!! I think if I knit it I'd have to change the sleeves though, I could see myself accidentally dragging them through a pile of ketchup or something! haha. Can't wait to see the prints!
